Education - Opinions



Education in our kindergarten takes place in line with the Framework Education Programme for Pre-school Education, a binding document delineating the main requirements, conditions and rules for institutional education of pre-school children.


Main goals:

1. Development of a child and his or her learning abilities.

2. Acquiring the basics of values our society has been built on.

3. Achieving personal independence (self-reliance) and ability to act as an independent personality influencing his or her surroundings.


Achieving our goals – by what means do we want to reach them

  • Creation of an amiable and responsive environment, thus providing emotional security and joy to children
  • Support of the physical development of children, their fitness and health, leading children to healthy life habits
  • Leading children to the development of friendly relationships, cultivation of empathy and social interaction
  • Development of an aesthetic sense with regard to their surroundings in children, and cultivation of a relationship to that environment
  • Support of intellectual, speech and communication skills development
  • Strengthening of their natural cognitive sense – inquisitiveness, interest, joy of discovery
  • Development of a positive attitude towards oneself – gaining healthy self-confidence, self self-assurance
  • Development of the ability to communicate with others and to cooperate with them
  • Development of the ability to control one’s emotions, feelings, especially the negative ones
  • Teaching children to protect and improve the environment


Methods and forms of work

We strive to base our way of working with children in our school on direct experiences, supporting their inquisitiveness and their natural need to discover. It should also provide enough space for spontaneous activities and free choice to the children, stimulate their joy from learning, their interest in learning new things, and create a natural background for acquiring new practices, experiences, knowledge and key competences.


We apply the following methods in our education activities:

  • Experiential learning
  • Situation-based learning
  • Cooperative learning through play, games and activities
  • Circle time
  • Frontal learning
  • Individual and group activities